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Greeting’s, my name is Pastor Barry. I was first appointed as a local pastor in the United Methodist Church in 2008 and had been serving Grace UMC, in Westerly RI, for fourteen years. My vocational call is that we are to nurture and care for each other, and to gather together in worship of a God that calls us to such service. I firmly believe that we are to live the ministry of Christ and not just proclaim it as mere words. It is through our actions of caring for the sick, the lonely, and the forgotten when Christ's truly becomes present in the world . The gift of God's grace is so magnificent that I have been compelled to declare, in both words and deed, the gift of life that is given for all humanity, in and with all of creation.

I have a passion for teaching and being an advocate for social justice reform. I hope to give back to the type of care I received as an unconventional learner returning to school in my mid-forties. I have been privileged to instruct and care for the community in many facades over fourteen years of being a pastor and instructor. Completing my M.Div with my many studies in philosophy, concentrating on: ethics, theology, ancient, critical race theory, critical thinking, and Social Reform, I hope to pursue my passion for teaching and leading others in the areas of education, self-esteem, and in many facets of unity and justice as we work together toward all issues seeking equality, social justice, and critical thinking.

I am privileged to be an adjunct professor at the Community College of Rhode Island in the English department and in the philosophy department at Three Rivers Community College of Connecticut.

After the many years of service in the United Methodist Church, I have come to a time in my journey to which I can no longer be part of an institutionalized church that is stuck on issues regarding the full inclusion of God's people. As such, as my family and I move to the DC area this summer 2023, I will no longer be a member of clergy in the UMC. However, God is greater than any denomination, as such, I look forward to seeing how God will continue use me as a non-denominational pastor in the ecumenical ministry Seeking Out The Word.

Always Seeking,

Pastor Barry



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